4C Strategies is a leading global provider of risk management solutions. As management consultants and suppliers of software systems, we provide our government, military and private sector clients with the skills, tools and End to End solutions that support and sustain operational readiness. We enable our clients to manage incidents, minor or major, effectively within a business as usual environment. Our pragmatic and innovative solutions deliver robust capability through strategic, tactical and operational innovation in products and services for risk-, continuity-, crisis- and exercise management.
We are a rapidly expanding company and have grown considerably in terms of size, turnover, mission and ambition since our establishment and launch of the Exonaut™ software suite in 2000. In addition to the products and services we deliver to high-readiness multinationals operating as part of the critical national infrastructure, we supply a number of Armed Forces, including the UK, Swedish, Netherlands and Swiss, with the next generation of Collective Exercise Planning software.
4C Strategies
43-45 Portman Square
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7969 2990
Web: www.4cstrategies.com