(CONCLUDED) Crisis Leadership / No Longer a ’Nice to Have’


Monday 24th June 2019
7 More London Riverside

12:15 - 16:30

    Depending on where you live or work in the world, it seems to be either volatile, uncertain, complex or ambiguous at best.  Let’s add ’spontaneous’ to that list and we start to make a strong argument for us all being prepared to select, employ and deploy effective crisis leaders in our organisations.  Most of the time, we suffer collateral effects from sudden crisis events, but like it or not we will at some time suffer direct business disruption from targeted attacks on our infrastructure or our people.  So, who is at your helm and ready to steer your organisation to safety and to prosperity?  CSARN believes that Crisis Leadership is a C-Suite critical element for a successful business and this briefing underscores the need for the leadership to prepare for adversity, lead recovery and sustain growth in the face of any threat.  This interactive briefing looks at case studies and successful outcomes by experts that will help delegates stress test their current thinking and question their own arrangements.


    Areas that will be covered:

    Reputational recovery to the ‘new normal’
    Preparing our leaders for extreme crises
    How do you select, support and sustain leaders of the future?
    Changing the corporate culture - everyone’s responsible!
    What is the best of the best when it comes to solutions?

    Leaders who should attend:

    Crisis response and business recovery leaders
    Government agencies leading on crises recovery
    Local authority planners
    SHEQ leaders
    Law enforcement and other emergency responders

      Confirmed Agenda

      12:15 Registration and LUNCH
      13:00 Chair
      13:05 David Hendon
      Senior Vice President, Rivada Networks
      13:35 Robin Hamilton
      CEO & Founder of Aldbury International Ltd
      "Exposed Leadership – What happens when the crisis plan fails?"
      14:05 Q & A 
      14:25 Networking & Coffee
      14:45 Philip Ingram MBE 
      Managing Editor, Grey Hare Media
      "Leadership a very personal perspective”
      15:15 Chris Phillips GCGI FSyI FCIISCM
      Managing Director, IPPSO
      "Crisis and your Duty of Care"
      15:45 Q & A
      16:15 Close

      Delegate Fee

      CSARN Members | FREE

      Standard Fee | £189.00

      Public Sector | £109.00


      Collections: Events

      Type: Unknown Type

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