(CONCLUDED) Organisational Resilience - Detail, Diligence and Doggedness


Tuesday 23rd April 2019
1 Embankment Pl

12:15 - 16:30

    The world is moving ever faster and the need to plan for its resilience requires a constant focus and huge effort from us all. Any plan also benefits from the ability to look forward to potentially challenging threats and risks. The movement of the workforce, changing geospatial issues, shifting political emphasis and the development of new technology all contribute to the continually changing face of successfully leading businesses and the ‘forward look’ therefore becomes critical when planning for the effective positioning of assets. This briefing explores some of the most enduring issues facing businesses today and focuses on the very things that need to happen to ensure that we have organisational resilience. Delegates will be able to question some of the leading speakers on this subject and this solutions centred briefing should not be missed.

    Leaders who should attend:

    C-Suite leaders
    Crisis responders
    Local authorities
    Government agencies
    Law enforcement
    Compliance and Regulators

      Confirmed Agenda

      12:15 Registration and LUNCH
      13:00 Chair
      13:05 Lee O'Sullivan / Head of Physical Operations, The Anvil Group
      "Country Evacuation Contingency Planning – an essential component of business resilience?"
      13:35 Andrew Amery / Director, R3S Global Ltd
      14:05 Q & A 
      14:20 Networking & Coffee
      14:35 Rob Bray / Senior Manager, PwC
      Charley Newnham / Senior Manager, PwC
      15:20 Q & A and Panel Discussion
      16:00 CLOSE


      Delegate Fee

      CSARN Members | FREE

      Standard Fee | £189.00

      Public Sector | £109.00


      Collections: Events

      Type: Unknown Type

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