Wayne is a Director at the Centre for Disaster Management, Coventry University, where he leads on global academic and practitioner based CPD partnerships.
He has a diverse background spanning risk, crisis, continuity, emergency planning, incident management, facilities and security management. He is the recipient of three inter/national business continuity awards, and a member of the CIR Hall of Fame.
He holds the position of Vice Chairman of the Emergency Planning Society (Professional Working Group) on Business Continuity Management and is the appointed principle expert for the UK in relation to ISO standards on ‘security assurance’ (TC247) and ‘societal security management’ (TC223), where he is currently working with under Swedish Ambassador Krister Kumlin and NAPSO.
Over the past 10 years Wayne has been privileged to advise 26 governments, central banks, the commonwealth, island communities, inter/national police, fire and ambulance services, churches, voluntary organisations and national museums on the core principles of organisational resilience. He has helped draft “Emergency Preparedness”, the non statutory guidance for the UK Civil Contingencies Act (2004), and was invited to contribute to Sir Michael Pitt’s review team regarding proposed recommendations on UK Critical National Infrastructure following serve summer flooding in 2007.
Wayne was appointed by the UK Cabinet Office to oversee new national guidance on Business Continuity Management for all Category One responders. He is a long serving member of the British Standards Institute BCM/1-Business Continuity Management (BS25999), and RM/1 Risk Management (BS31100) committees. He is a former Close Protection operative with extensive experience of operations in private security operations, where he was involved in urban security design, counter IED, and counter terrorism for key London landmarks.